Meet the Team

International Community of Eurovision org

CEO – Pablo Jaime Escudero 


Pablo (Paul) is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The International Community of Eurovision. An experienced Eurovision Media Journalist he has used his extensive network of contacts (and friends) to build a community of like minded fans and was instrumental in the delivery of the community mission statement and country network. Pablo is very well known in Eurovision circles having interviewed Eurovision artists in Liverpool in 2023 and known worldwide for presenting the Terra TV (Mexico) Song Contest for many years.

View Pablos’s YouTube channel and showreel here


COO – Ian Hollins

Ian is the Chief Operating Officer of The International Community of Eurovision and works closely with Pablo to define and deliver the organisation’s strategic goals. Ian describes himself as a “professional problem solver” and has been a Eurovision fan since 1976 when he performed that years winning hit “Save all your kisses for me” on stage with his brother to win a make up bag for their mum! Hooked ever since it wasn’t until Lisbon 2018 that he got to experience the Arena at the live final. A big believer in “together we are stronger” Ian celebrates all that Eurovision stands for and means to us all, and is excited to grow the “friendly” Eurovision Community.

Communities Coordinating Officer – André Witner  (Andrew)


Andre is our Communities Coordinating Officer as well as a community manager for two territories. He lives in the German Eurovision 2011 city – Düsseldorf. Although his enthusiasm for the ESC has existed since he could remember as a child, one of his earliest memories is Michelle’s appearance in 2001 “Wer liebe lebt”. Since 2011 at the latest, Andre has been an enthusiastic fan of the contest thanks to many live on-site experiences. At work, where he works as a chemist, he always likes to say that a part of his brain is dedicated exclusively to Eurovision. As Communities Coordinating Officer he supports the territory managers to help grow and engage their communities and offers any support the managers might need.

Graphics Manager – Sven Van Der Lelie


Community Managers


Each Community group is run by Community Managers, these volunteers are the lifeblood of our community, building their local membership, reporting news about their country and posting interesting content to drive the conversation with their members.
We have a number of vacancies for volunteer managers so if you love Eurovision and would like to work with a friendly group of managers to grow your group please get in touch. Tell us which territory or territories you are interested in representing and a bit about yourself.
You can meet your local community managers below.
